Strange situations 1992 - 1994

The first PEGE flier was very impressing
It rained very hard during the demonstration. I handed my fliers only to persons under an umbrella: RM: Read it at home! It is printed with ink! Do not read it now!

It is just the wrong year in my book
RM: maybe the future from humanity depends on this book! bdw: It is not my fault to print the wrong year in the book

ÖVP Rauch Kallat a ministers of the flight
At this moment, Ministers Rauch Kallat put her hand into her handbag. 3 seconds later rings her mobile telephone. She runs away and was never seen again ... at the meeting.

What burns? Problems with the equipment
RM: I become nearly severely hurt by a cable burn and You applaud? Other: Oh, excuse us, we thought it is a special party show.

Yes, it's lead in my backpack
I take all my force and give her my backpack. I do my best that it looks easy. The saleswoman falls down with my backpack.

Unearthly encounter of what kind Unearthly encounter of what kind
I have just equipped my new Back Pack with a 60 W amplifier. I load "LION.WAV" in the sound program, connect the notebook with the amplifier from the Back Pack

The removed aerial
In order to find out the type of the connector, the salesman has removed my aerial and finished in this way my important telephone call.

A meeting at the anonym total abnegators
RM: The conference was terrible. They are only wailing. They accept nothing else then to wail. She: This conference was never proposed to find solutions.

PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, striving to lead humanity into the solar age. A civilization has tasks that can be clearly recognized with the game theory of mathematics.

Support for a better future
Please enhance PEGE's ability to lead humanity into solar age with your support.

Archive of the PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, a goal, but increasingly better ways to be able to implement this goal. The technology is getting better, the production of required technology is increasing.

  Fight for the sun - The unbelievable adventures of an inventor

The best stories written live by the inventor Roland Mosl, a professional at experiencing the curiosities of life

Strange situations 1995 - 1996
Energie thieves – In the mountains – A cross with the ballpen – Dr. Othmar Raus – Melted chocolate – Parallel port connection – Finger and toes prints – Jump in the mod.

Strange situatuions 1997 -
About drunkards and orange juice - Microsoft Access: too slow for the cash dispensers - Visum problems: is she a safety hazard?.

Screenplay for a new television comedy series
Fight for the sun - The unbelievable adventures of an inventor. The best stories written live by Roland Mösl, a professional at experiencing the curiosities of life

Mobile Office: Backpack and notebook Mobile Office: Backpack and notebook
The Austrian inventor Roland Mösl used this Back Pack with ESCOM Paradigma DX2/66 notebook as a Mobile Office from September 1994 to March 1995

About a Love Letter and 1.5 l ink for a deskjet
June 1992 to September 1992: 1070 women searching a man per newspaper inserat got this love letter "Living with me from A to Z". Roland Mosl used 1.5 l ink for printing.

          Strange situations 1992 - 1994: A very impressive flier – Wrong year in the book – ÖVP Rauch Kallat – What burns? – Lead in my backpack – Unearthly encounter – The removed aerial – Total abnegators.