Peak Oil

The production of crude oil diminishes. Even the IEA tells this, which was always criticized for prognoses with much more oil production, in a dramatic turn around.

Simple to cogitate
What does it mean for the IEA to declare all earlier prognoses of the IEA as waste paper and to give all the criticans of this organisation right? How much courage is necessary for this step?

The responsibility of the IEA
Most politicians have trusted the prognosises of the IEA very much. For this trust, they are now reprehended by the IEA, because they did not enough for energy efficiency.

IEA oil prognosis
The IEA wants to change from a demand oriented prognosis to a prognosis based on the production possibilities of crude oil and natural gas.

IEA: Forward, we have to go back
Dramatic change in the prognosis: WEO 2006 more and more oil production, Energy Watch Group 2007: decrease of oil production. Will the WEO 2008 be worse than EWG 2007?

IEA WEO crude oil price and production
Comments to an interview in international politic April 20008 The sirens scream, Talk from Astrid Schneider and Fatih Birol.

Replace crude oil by electric power
The amount of electric power to replace an unit of fossile energy can, depending on application, be complete different.

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CO2 carbon dioxide
Overview about different aspects of the green house gas prolems. Above all, what will it cost to reach again the normal state?

Lithium has the best expectations to solve our problems at our mobility and the day/night balancing of a photovoltaic oriented power supply.

Where will hydrogen as a storage medium determine our energy future and where will the hydrogen technology fail by more suitable methods?

Hydrogen as an energy carrier is with one carbon and one oxygen atom per 4 hydrogen atoms much easyer to transport. The other hydrogen age.

Methanol fuel cell
Many people believe in the fuel cell like in a magic potion against everything. But when looking more carefully, very few remains from the magic potion.

          Peak Oil: The production of crude oil diminishes. Even the IEA tells this, which was always criticized for prognoses with much more oil production, in a dramatic turn around.

Context description:  crude oil prognosis prognoses production max maximal maximum
independent analysis analyst analysts