
Hydrogen as an energy carrier is with one carbon and one oxygen atom per 4 hydrogen atoms much easyer to transport. The other hydrogen age.

Loses the fuel cell against the Methanol engine
There is a dfifference between sending some huamns to the moon or to develop a car for a sales woman with 1000.-EUR minimum wage. A cost anaylsis of the fuel cell.

Methan Methanol Hydrogen
After a preselection for this 3 fuel sorts has to be evaluated which one is cheapest for the cars drivers in 20 years.

Methanol fuel cells Methanol fuel cells
Here drives the future, the power comes from the fuel cell is written as promotion testimony on this 3 wheel vehicle. But for what price? Alone the methnol makes 2.41 EUR per kWh

Methanol fuel cell Methanol fuel cell
1600 means not 1600 Watt but 1600 Wh per day. The end user price of 3699,-EUR shows regretfully very clear the status of the fuel cell development

Biomass wood
The wood ofen will become a luxury, instead of 4,3 kWh heat by burning, we will invest 10 kWh electric power to produce 1,65 methanol from 1 kg wood.

PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, striving to lead humanity into the solar age. A civilization has tasks that can be clearly recognized with the game theory of mathematics.

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Archive of the PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, a goal, but increasingly better ways to be able to implement this goal. The technology is getting better, the production of required technology is increasing.

  Editorial of PEGE

Important questions about the future, reports and possible solutions. PEGE as an independent analyst of facts and designer of long term strategies outside of short sighted populisms.

CO2 carbon dioxide
Overview about different aspects of the green house gas prolems. Above all, what will it cost to reach again the normal state?

Peak Oil
The production of crude oil diminishes. Even the IEA tells this, which was always criticized for prognoses with much more oil production, in a dramatic turn around.

Lithium has the best expectations to solve our problems at our mobility and the day/night balancing of a photovoltaic oriented power supply.

Where will hydrogen as a storage medium determine our energy future and where will the hydrogen technology fail by more suitable methods?

Methanol fuel cell
Many people believe in the fuel cell like in a magic potion against everything. But when looking more carefully, very few remains from the magic potion.

          Methanol: Hydrogen as an energy carrier is with one carbon and one oxygen atom per 4 hydrogen atoms much easyer to transport. The other hydrogen age.

Context description:  methanol time age economy
independent analysis analyst analysts