-250% CO2 emissions

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2020-06-21.

  -250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again

Less CO2 emission is much too little, even zero emission is insufficient. Only a planet renovation with large-scale CO2 filtering and splitting from the atmosphere will help.

  Dangerous downplaying of the climate catastrophe

The spectrum of climate change deniers ranges from “We don't have to do anything” to “We have to reduce CO2 emissions a little” to “It is enough to reduce humanity's emissions to zero”.

But there are thawing permafrost soils and outgassing methane hydrate. This is in addition to the emissions caused by humanity.

How does the CO2 absorption of forests and oceans develop? I hope -250% CO2 emission has sufficient safety reserves to bring the climate back to a safe state.

  Climate change: Please do not panic

With “irreversible” and “last chance, then it's too late” the impression of a hopeless situation is created, which leads to senseless panic reactions or apathy.

The earth has already gone through a lot of catastrophic climate changes, which have returned to normal after some time. “irreversible” has therefore not been one of these climate catastrophes.

Humanity has managed to cause climate change in record time. It is therefore duty of mankind to reverse this in record time.

Those who only demand zero emission propagate a vile sneaking out of responsibility. First increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 417 ppm (2020) and then leave it up to nature to find out how everything will develop.

  Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere

Due to their enormous space and water requirements, plants are unsuitable for the necessary reduction of the CO2 content in the atmosphere. There is no room for 37 million km² of growing forest.

One process is standard in chemistry lessons: split H2O into H and O with electrolysis and the reverse process, the oxyhydrogen gas explosion. C can also be burned with O2 to CO2 or split again into C and O2. In the compound are 395.5 kJ/mol or 8.989 kj/kg or 2,5 kWh/kg.

Such fission processes always have an efficiency which we assume here to be 60%. That would be 4.16 kWh per kg CO2. But before it can be cracked, the CO2 must be acquired.

418 ppm is currently the volume fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere. The weight proportion is higher in the ratio 29:44. In one cubic metre of warm air, there are 0.76 g CO2. In 1,314 m³ of air there is 1 kg CO2. CO2 is chemically bound in CO2 filters. When the filter is full, this chemical bond must be broken down again.
  • What percentage of the CO2 in the air remains in the filter?
  • What is the flow resistance in the filter?
  • What is the effort to get the CO2 out of the filter?
Climeworks stated in 2020 for 1 t CO2: 650 kWh electricity for the fan, 2.000 kWh thermal energy at 100° to get the CO2 out of the filter. Assuming that a heat source is available with which a high temperature heat pump can generate 100°, the CO2 procurement is in the range of 1.5 kWh/kg CO2.

  5 to 6 kWh per kg CO2 filter and split

Efficiencies can be slightly better or worse, a range of 5 to 6 kWh for 1 kg CO2 should be realistic.

  The new policy

The difference between energy production and energy consumption should be as high as possible. This must replace the old idea “We must save energy, whatever the cost”. The passive house is the perfect expression of the old philosophy “We must save energy, no matter what it costs”. The Passive House described in 3 words: “Freezing for the rich”.

  Worldwide wealth needed for planetary repair

All the scenarios where it is sufficient to reduce emissions to zero are becoming increasingly implausible. Thawing permafrost soils and outgassing methane hydrate represent an enormous potential danger for climate development. A little reduction will not be enough. Even 100% less CO2 emission could still be too little. 200% less, i.e. no further human CO2 emission plus active reduction by filtering and splitting, should be enough. But this filtering of CO2 from the atmosphere and splitting it into C and O is an enormous effort that only a wealthy humanity with an industrial base completely based on renewable energy can manage. Therefore, saving, restricting, renouncing, is life-threatening for mankind. Promoting the GEMINI next Generation project is a new task for the Organisation for the Promotion of Infintism. A company will be founded later. The association can and will participate in the company. Supporting members of the association will have privileges in the foundation of the company. This will be formulated in the next weeks, but support in this difficult initial phase should pay off in any case.

  Year of the turning point for a civilization

My New Year's resolution to finally turn this civilization around. If the first model settlement in Unken is completed by the end of the year, it will be a turning point.

Contributing to global prosperity and creating a future without borders, can that also be your intention for the New Year? No, this resolution is not much too big and powerful, its implementation begins 50.-EUR annual membership fee in the Organisation for the Promotion of Infinitism.

  -250% CO2 bis 350 ppm are reached again

-250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again -250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again
Less CO2 emission is much too little, even zero emission is insufficient. Only a planet renovation with large-scale CO2 filtering and splitting from the atmosphere will help.

Climate change: Please do not panic Climate change: Please do not panic
With “irreversible” and “last chance, then it's too late” the impression of a hopeless situation is created, which leads to senseless panic reactions or apathy.

Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere
Due to their enormous space and water requirements, plants are unsuitable for the necessary reduction of the CO2 content in the atmosphere. There is no room for 37 million km² of growing forest.

390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere 390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere
Reduce the CO2 content with Power to Carbon, generate fuels with Power to Liquid and use CO2 for indoor plant cultivation to replace large-scale agriculture.

Carbon fiber becomes standard material for construction Carbon fiber becomes standard material for construction
If we filter the 33.1 Gt CO2 emission of 2019 from the atmosphere and split it into C and O, we get 9 billion tons of carbon. What to do with it?

  GEMINI next Generation

GEMINI next generation - energy + food + living comfort GEMINI next generation - energy + food + living comfort
What can housing cost? Where can you build? How much Energy should a house produce? How much building material is needed? GEMINI n.G. is looking for completely new answers to these questions.

  Land for Energy

Land for energy Land for energy
We need much more solar power for the climate targets, for independence from oil through the switch to electric mobility. That is why we need to redesign land-use and building regulations.

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Roland Mösl - PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth

Drachenlochstraße 1c/5
A-5083 Gartenau

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Skype: roland.mosl
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PEGE.org Newsletter from 2020-10-25
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2020-10-25.

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          -250% CO2 emissions: { if ( $folder == 0 ) { return "" } my $html; if ( $file eq 'newsletter' ) { $html = "Newsletter of PEGE in the year $folder"; return $html; } if ( substr ( $file, 0, 4 ) > 2000 ) https://www.pege.org/2020/2020-06-21_e.htm

Context description:  event events date time month 6 June spring summer 2020-06-21