Stephen Hawking

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2017-05-07.

  Short Summary

How does a scientist who is outstanding in his specialty work outside his field of research? Like a fish on land! Comments on Stephen Hawking's article:

100 Years Left For Humans To Escape Earth

  Like a fish on land

Stephen Hawking is an outstanding astrophysicist. Astrophysics is his specialty, that is his element, here he is like a fish in the water. But how is a fish on land, how is a fish high up on a tree? Stephen Hawking is worried about climate change and the overpopulation. He comes to very extraordinary problem solving: emigration. But where and why?

As early as 1992 I wrote in my first book "Advance to solar age" that the best remedy for over-population is a global prosperity, this is only possible with renewable energy. Climate change is a very big danger, but a planetary renovation is possible. Filter the CO2 from the air and split it into carbon and oxygen. According to the data of DI Gregor Waldstein 2007, 8 kWh of electricity is required per kg of CO2. According to recent cost estimates, US $ 0.25 per kg is necessary. At 36 billion tons, this is US$ 9,000 billion. This is the -200% CO2 scenario. No new greenhouse gas emissions from fossil energy, going from 400 ppm towards 280 ppm with the same amount that is emitted today.

Clearly, today's humanity is much too poor for it, therefore tripling the world economy. It could get worse of course. Massive greenhouse gas emissions from thawing permafrost soils.

But in comparison to the cost of just one of a thousand people to Mars, planetary renovation is a bargain. How should the colonists on Mars supply energy? Only goes with solar power. Mars has a very thin atmosphere, there is nothing to catch with wind.

  Create magnetic field

Tourists at Tschernobyl had 2014 received in average 0,19 Microsievert per hour On the surface of Mars is the average radiation 2750 Microsivert per hour. That's 14 thousand times more as 2014 around Tschernobyl.

You can of course install a larger photovoltaic on the Lagrange Point 1 to build up an artificial magnetic field.

  Madman effort instead of saving the home

How does a globally respected scientist propagate such an irrational effort to save a tiny fraction of mankind when a planetary renovation is a bargain, the path to planetary renovation creates world-wide wealth?

Because he had to leave his subject area astrophysics and took over the statements of mad pseudo-scientists, who want to exceed the death count of Lyssenko hundredfold. Stephen Hawking was the victim of today's Lyssenkoism.

Lyssenko developed his theories around Marxism. Today's Lyssenkos build their theories around "The limits of growth" and "Healthy planets have no humans". Stephen Hawking's strange remarks show how great the destructive influence of today's Lyssenkoism on society is.

  Plan 30-3-0

Over the next 30 years, a tripling of the global economy with a simultaneous reduction of fossil energy down to almost zero.

Investment Avalanche - Innovation Avalanche - Economic Boom

Even if the current price development reduces the costs of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere, 12,000 billion a year are not affordable for today's humanity. However, it is affordable in the case of a threefold increase in the global economy and further cost reduction. Why should it be affordable? Thawing Permafrost floors and outgassing methane hydrate are an enormous threat potential for climate development. A little reduction could be too little. Even 100% less CO2 emissions could still be too little. 200% less, ie no further human CO2 emission plus active reduction by filtering and splitting, should be sufficient.

For this, the economic conditions must be created. That this can only work with the creation of worldwide wealth is nevertheless a nice side effect.

  Religion in the sense of relegere

Latin relegere: “to consider carefully, to contemplate, to think about repeatedly, to be thoughtful in view of an important issue.”

This should be the first duty of beings "created in the image of God". In the natural sciences, this happens all the time, before their achievements can have only the greatest respect. The opposite must be said about the politics.

The Infinitism certainly describes the best possible for all currently living humans, nature and future generations to an unimaginably distant future. This spread will require much time and labor.

Please support this lengthy tedious activity with your membership.

  Short description of all members translated to English

The organization to support infinitism has now 54 members from 4 different countries. One international know VIP, 3 localy known VIPs. When You are not from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or Denmark, take the opportunity to be the first member from Your country.

My book "Calculation ERROR" is now free as a PDF.

  Paradigm Infinitism

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The meeting place for electric car drivers in the south of Salzburg. Hotel with 6 Tesla supercharger and other recharge possibilities for electric vehicles.

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Roland Mösl - PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth

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Victory of stupidity
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Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2017-06-25.

Filter CO2 from the air
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Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2017-12-17. Newsletter from 2017-12-27
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2017-12-27.

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Context description:  event events date time month 5 May spring 2017-05-07