Congratulation Donald Trump

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-11-09.

  Congratulation Donald Trump

Thank You Mr. Trump! I wrote in my last newsletter, why I recommend You as president. I posted all the time to my 24 thousand followers on Google.

  Great US people: Henry Ford

Let's remember great US entrepreneurs: Henry Ford. He risked so much for his vision. He had so much done for US, for US economy.

US economy was very great as US cars had been produced by US steel and driven by US oil.

  Big visions in the change of time

The demand for very cheap oil led 1953 to the first big sin of US politics: Operation Ajax, a coup against the western oriented president of Iran Mosaddegh.

3 years later, M. King Hubbert introduced the peak oil theory. New, very expensive and in the follow-up costs very risky methods can move peak-oil some years in the future.

Now are oil imports a major reason for the US trade balance deficit. It's possible to produce much more cars, but there is not enough oil to drive this cars. Henry Ford's big vision is now limited by the oil-production.

  The benefits of capitalism

A famous columnist of the biggest Austrian newspaper always wrote:

Capitalism is good for consumers because so many greedy capitalists are trying to conquer market shares with cheaper, better products.

  Cheaper and better products

There are several famous premium car companies in Germany: Audi, BMW, Mercedes. They had in the last years the big surprise to loose market shares, that in some markets, a new car is sold more often than their cars. A new US company conquered with cheaper and better products market shares: Tesla.

  Price compare for energy sources at car driving

Their luxury Sedans like Audi A8, BMW 7 and Mercedes S use after consumer experience 8 liter diesel or 12 liter gasoline for 100 km. The Tesla S consumes 21 kWh electric power. With current photovoltaic price, this means solar electric power is as cheap as US$ 0.70 to drive a luxury sedan 100 km.

How cheap has to be crude oil to compete with this price? Assuming 30% more crude oil is necessary to produce gasoline and diesel:
  • US$ 7 per barrel at gasoline cars
  • US$ 10 per barrel at diesel cars
All the fairy tails about how expensive and limited all this new energy sources are, as bad as the behavior of most mass media about the past president election.

  Delay or accelerate?

Oil will become again more expensive, electric cars will become cheaper and better. The victory of the electric car is unavoidable. There are 2 strategies to deal with this fact:
  • Delay it like they do it in Germany. They risk in Germany all the car industry by delaying the development.
  • Accelerate it like they do it in China. China sees in the electric car a big chance for new export products and to reduce imports.
Please watch this video. Each of this BYD K9 electric bus has a 324 kWh battery ready for 250 km public traffic. Each of this BYD e6 cars has a 80 kWh battery ready for 400 km.

  An other make our nation great again

China was for a long time the greatest nation on Earth. They had fallen very deep down. After the failing communist theories, there was a man who made China great again: Deng Xiaoping. One of his ideas was to invite the most successful business entrepreneurs into the government.

  Invite Elon Musk as finance minister

My greatest wish for You, dear president: Visit Elon Musk, visit some of Elon Musk's factories, drive an Tesla S. Invite Elon Musk to be finance minister. When Elon Musk tells You, he is too busy with Tesla Motors and Space X, at last hear his proposals for a tax reform.

A tax reform to accelerate the victory of the electric car and new energy systems, to decrease US import dependency and to create new US export products.

  Religion in the sense of relegere

Latin relegere: “to consider carefully, to contemplate, to think about repeatedly, to be thoughtful in view of an important issue.”

This should be the first duty of beings "created in the image of God". In the natural sciences, this happens all the time, before their achievements can have only the greatest respect. The opposite must be said about the politics.

The Infinitism certainly describes the best possible for all currently living humans, nature and future generations to an unimaginably distant future. This spread will require much time and labor.

Please support this lengthy tedious activity with your membership.

  Short description of all members translated to English

The organization to support infinitism has now 54 members from 4 different countries. One international know VIP, 3 localy known VIPs. When You are not from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or Denmark, take the opportunity to be the first member from Your country.

My book "Calculation ERROR" is now free as a PDF.

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Roland Mösl - PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth

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Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-07-17. Newsletter from 2016-07-24
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Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-10-16. Newsletter from 2016-10-23
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-10-23. Newsletter from 2016-10-26
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-10-26. Newsletter from 2016-10-30
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-10-30.

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-11-05. Newsletter from 2016-11-13
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-11-13.

25 years PEGE anniversary
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-11-20.

Conference of climate change deniers Conference of climate change deniers
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-11-27. Newsletter from 2016-12-04
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-12-04. Newsletter from 2016-12-18
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-12-18. Newsletter from 2016-12-25
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2016-12-25.

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          Congratulation Donald Trump: { if ( $folder == 0 ) { return "" } my $html; if ( $file eq 'newsletter' ) { $html = "Newsletter of PEGE in the year $folder"; return $html; } if ( substr ( $file, 0, 4 ) > 20

Context description:  event events date time month 11 Nov November autumn fall 2016-11-09