formed a new paradigm

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-02-07. formed in science, politics, economy and philosophy a new paradigm: Optimal resource usage enables worldwide wealth and a limitless future.

Paradigm The perfect market
solves all Problems:
just watch
The Limits
to growth

Save Restrict Refrain
Optimal division of resources
for worldwide wealth and a limitless future
Science Economics The ecological footprint Ethics - the science of survival
Politics Mainstream parties
to neo liberalism
The Greens WWW movement worldwide wealth
Economy Change nothing! Prevent everything! BB21C - Biggest Business 21st Century
Philosophy It is cheaper
to succumb
than to survive
Man is a pest Mankind is since
2 centuries on a
civilization jump

Is the representation of the two currently most worldviews too negative?
Look out into the world and you see the results!

Maybe "Greens" are in other parts of the world different, but here in Austria and Germany, they represent only The Limits to growth - Save Restrict Refrain mixed with extreme left ideology.

The German photovoltaic industry lost around 80% turn around from 2012 to 2014. The German solar lobby completely failed. The German green party dropped photovoltaic like a hot potato, they had thrown out their long term energy speaker Hans Josef Fell, avoided the theme in the 2013 election campaign for the German parliament.

  History of PEGE

  • The PEGE logo was created autumn 1991.
  • The first PEGE book "Advance to solar age" was published autumn 1993.
  • The domain name was taken April 1997.
  • The second PEGE book "Calculation ERROR" was published 2014
  • WWW movement WorldWide Wealth is since December 31th 2014 a registered political party in Austria. Sorry,95% not jet translated to English.
  • PEGE will be soon registered as a non-profit organization in Austria

  Paradigma - world view

Paradigm formed in science, politics, economy and philosophie a new paradigma: Optimal resource usage enables worldwide wealth and a limitless future.

Paradigm science
What was named 1992 for the first time in the book ''Advance to solar age'' ''civilization planning'', developed to the design of a new science important for survival.

Paradigm economy
As early as 1992 in the book ''Advance to solar age'' has been described the biggest business in the 21st century. Because despite all necessity and chance of winning, it is still not already running.

Paradigm philosophy
A diagnosis for the civilization on planet earth that has been overdue for 2 centuries Civilization jump from 'helpless as a baby' to 'Can solve immediate problems'.

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Roland Mösl - PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth

Drachenlochstraße 1c/5
A-5083 Gartenau

+43 699 17343674
Skype: roland.mosl
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PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, striving to lead humanity into the solar age. A civilization has tasks that can be clearly recognized with the game theory of mathematics.

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Please enhance PEGE's ability to lead humanity into solar age with your support.

Archive of the PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, a goal, but increasingly better ways to be able to implement this goal. The technology is getting better, the production of required technology is increasing.

  2015 top reports directory

Table of contents for the year 2015. Overview about PEGE in the year 2015.

2015 car and traffic directory
Table of contents for the year 2015. Overview about PEGE in the year 2015.

2015 building and live directory
Table of contents for the year 2015. Overview about PEGE in the year 2015.

2015 politics directory
Table of contents for the year 2015. Overview about PEGE in the year 2015.

2015 notebooks laptops directory
Table of contents for the year 2015. Overview about PEGE in the year 2015.

2015 Roland Mösl directory
Table of contents for the year 2015. Overview about PEGE in the year 2015.

2015 newsletter directory
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Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-01-06. Newsletter from 2015-01-11
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-01-11. Newsletter from 2015-01-18
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-01-18. Newsletter from 2015-01-25
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-01-25. Newsletter from 2015-02-01
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-02-01. Newsletter from 2015-02-08
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-02-08. Newsletter from 2015-02-15
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-02-15. Newsletter from 2015-02-22
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-02-22. Newsletter from 2015-03-01
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-03-01.

The new paradigm now has a name: Infinitism
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-03-08. Newsletter from 2015-03-15
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-03-15. Newsletter from 2015-03-22
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-03-22. Newsletter from 2015-03-26
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-03-26. Newsletter from 2015-03-29
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-03-29. Newsletter from 2015-04-05
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-04-05.

Organization to promote infinitism founded
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-04-06. Newsletter from 2015-04-12
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-04-12. Newsletter from 2015-04-19
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-04-19. Newsletter from 2015-04-26
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-04-26. Newsletter from 2015-05-03
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-05-03. Newsletter from 2015-05-10
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-05-10. Newsletter from 2015-05-17
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-05-17. Newsletter from 2015-05-24
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-05-24. Newsletter from 2015-05-31
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-05-31. Newsletter from 2015-06-07
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-06-07.

Intersolar and EES 2015
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-06-14.

Encyclical Laudato si
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-06-21. Newsletter from 2015-06-23
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-06-23. Newsletter from 2015-06-28
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-06-28. Newsletter from 2015-07-05
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-07-05. Newsletter from 2015-07-12
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-07-12.

Game theory Yanis Varoufakis
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-07-19. Newsletter from 2015-07-26
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-07-26. Newsletter from 2015-08-02
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-08-02. Newsletter from 2015-08-09
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-08-09. Newsletter from 2015-08-16
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-08-16. Newsletter from 2015-08-23
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-08-23. Newsletter from 2015-08-30
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-08-30. Newsletter from 2015-09-06
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-09-06. Newsletter from 2015-09-13
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-09-13. Newsletter from 2015-09-20
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-09-20. Newsletter from 2015-09-27
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-09-27. Newsletter from 2015-10-04
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-10-04. Newsletter from 2015-10-18
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-10-18. Newsletter from 2015-10-25
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-10-25. Newsletter from 2015-11-01
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-11-01. Newsletter from 2015-11-08
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-11-08. Newsletter from 2015-11-15
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-11-15. Newsletter from 2015-11-22
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-11-22. Newsletter from 2015-11-29
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-11-29. Newsletter from 2015-12-06
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-12-06. Newsletter from 2015-12-13
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-12-13. Newsletter from 2015-12-20
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-12-20. Newsletter from 2015-12-27
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-12-27. Newsletter from 2015-12-31
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2015-12-31.

%20 target=_blank>
 formed a new paradigm: { if ( $folder == 0 ) { return "" } my $html; if ( $file eq 'newsletter' ) { $html = "Newsletter of PEGE in the year $folder"; return $html; } if ( substr ( $file, 0, 4 ) >

Context description:  event events date time month 2 Feb February winter 2015-02-07