eCarTec electric cars: even not from Salzburg to Munich

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2009-10-26.

  Luck in unluck

I lost 1993 my first Renault Espace TXE minivan at a head on collision. Only a few month later, this turned out as a big luck. I had much to do in Romania. The minivan with gasoline engine was replaced by one with Diesel engine. 50% more range and an easy fuel supply in Romainia. 1993 had been unleaded gasoline in Romania very rare.

700 km range with unleaded gasoline and rare petrol stations vs 1100 km range with Diesel at each petrol station.

  Even not from Salzburg to Munich

I stood at the eCarTex in front of several small cars, more expensive than my first Renault Espace minivan from 1993, but unable for the journey from Salzburg to Munich (150 km). At some is the range just enough, but check the weather forecast, strong adverse wind could end the jouney just a few km before the fair ground. Also the higher rolling resistance at heavy rain should be not underestimated.

Who should buy this? This is a tiny niche market for 1 to 2% of purchasers. This is for the mass market only suitable with fast recharging at any highway available. For this are also better batteries necessary, possible to charge in 5 minutes.

  With the range extender an adequate car

Opposit to the electric only car are plug-in hybrids even today the better cars. Even a Fiat 500 is big enough for the plug in hybrid technic. In front of the rear axle produces aWankel engine electric power. 125 km electric only range take care, that this happens very rare.

  Cars traffic mobility

Munich electric mobility conference
  1. international fair and congress about electric mobility on the new fair ground in Munich October 13th to 15th 2009.

1st international trade fair for electric mobility
  Munich has a new fair. Will this new fair maybe in some years be a serious competitor for the IAA Frankfurt and the car salon in Geneva?

Battery for Hybrid bus truck from Magna
  First application for hybrid in commercial vehicles: Applications with much stop and go like busses in city traffic or garbage trucks.

Citysax electric car
  How did the average German feel, when he wanted to be 1955 mobile? I think in the same way as I at a price for the Citysax beyond 30,000.-EUR. Scooter instead of car!

Fiat 500 Plug-in Hybrid
  The technic for a plug-in hybrid has also place in a small car like the Fiat 500. 115 km electric only, longer distances with a range extender before the rear axle.

Wankel engine as range extender below Fiat 500
  At the range extender for a small car is size and weight important. When 90% is driven in electric mode, the maximum of efficiency at the range extender is not so important.

6 kW Diesel Range Extender
  1.8 l Diesel per hour for 6 kW supply with electric power. Enough for the Loremo on the highway. For countries without highway also suitable for the middle class cars.

New engine technology for range extender
  A complete new construction is this 2 cylinder ICE with generator. For 30 kW a very compact design. 30 kW would be enough for a minivan.

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  In the next issues

  • More from the Intersolar 2009, special photovoltaic and heat combined in one modul
  • The house project modifed because of new thin film photovoltaic prices.
  • Plug-in hybrid vs electric car

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          eCarTec electric cars: even not from Salzburg to Munich: { if ( $folder == 0 ) { return "" } my $html; if ( $file eq 'newsletter' ) { $html = "Newsletter of PEGE in the year $folder"; return $html; } if (

Context description:  event events date time month 10 Oct October autumn fall 2009-10-26