Solar Scooter Sport Test
In the 45km/h limited class, electric scooters are state of art, now the first test with an electric scooter with L3E registration, this means the 125 ccm class up to 11 kW engine power.
When will be electric power from natural gas twice as expensive as solar
Solar electric power is cheaper than Diesel, but look on the streets, what is driving there? It can be only called a complete failure of politics and economy.
Oil production becomes a roulett game
The extrem fast declining oil price demages the oil industry much more, than $180 oil price. Investments in costly explorations became extrem risky.
Stock market crisis
There are political streams beliving that the stock market will solve all problems of mankind. But how can a stable full of disturbed chickens cause something positive?
Handbag with photovoltaic
CIS cells deliver also without direct sunshine enough electric power. This feature is deal for the new generation of handbags. This new handbags can also recharge a cellphone.
Fair Trade - Fair Read
In the sense of 'fair trade', I call for the action 'Fair Read' donate for the support of the educational work of PEGE
Eurosolar Austria prize award 2008
PEGE has been honored October 4th 2008 at the Eurosolar award in Laakirchen upper Austria in the category media for the internet platform
Speech from Roland Mösl about the media prize
In fact, my speech should have been only 7 minutes. My wife told me, I was with 25 minutes a little bit to long. But it was for me still much to less,
Introduction of Roland Mösl as prizewinnter
In a booklet are from all 10 categories the 10 categories the prizewinners and their work introduced. Here category 6 - media, where I won 2008 in Laakirchen.
Certificate media prize for solar energy
Austrian solar prize 2008. Eurosolar Austria awards the Austrian solar price category media to Roland Mösl, Gartenau near Salzburg, platform
Trophy for the media prize Eurosolar 2008
A turnable glas globe is the main design element of the Eurosolar trophy 2008. Here the trophy from prizewinner Roland Mösl for PEGE online magazines.
Poster to print Yourself
Official poster of PEGE for the EUROSOLAR Austria awarding prizes in Laakirchen October 4th 2008. The Poster shows in 6 photos the main projects of PEGE.