EUROSOLAR Austria awards PEGE

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-10-19.

October 4th 2008 in Laakirchen. For the 14th time, EUROSOLAR Austria awards the Austrian solar prize. PEGE is awarded in the category media.

  Cars traffic mobility

Solar Scooter Sport Test
  In the 45km/h limited class, electric scooters are state of art, now the first test with an electric scooter with L3E registration, this means the 125 ccm class up to 11 kW engine power.

  Construction live energy

Photovoltaic compare
  A 20 Watt crystalline silicon photovoltaic from 1998 vs 3 layer amorphous from Uni-Solar. Under dense clouds, the crystalline PV has no chance.

  Politics economy

When will be electric power from natural gas twice as expensive as solar
  Solar electric power is cheaper than Diesel, but look on the streets, what is driving there? It can be only called a complete failure of politics and economy.

Oil production becomes a roulett game
  The extrem fast declining oil price demages the oil industry much more, than $180 oil price. Investments in costly explorations became extrem risky.

Stock market crisis
  There are political streams beliving that the stock market will solve all problems of mankind. But how can a stable full of disturbed chickens cause something positive?

  Notebook laptop lifestyle office organization

Handbag with photovoltaic
  CIS cells deliver also without direct sunshine enough electric power. This feature is deal for the new generation of handbags. This new handbags can also recharge a cellphone.

  PEGE Organisation, Roland's Magazine

Fair Trade - Fair Read
  In the sense of 'fair trade', I call for the action 'Fair Read' donate for the support of the educational work of PEGE

Eurosolar Austria prize award 2008
  PEGE has been honored October 4th 2008 at the Eurosolar award in Laakirchen upper Austria in the category media for the internet platform

Speech from Roland Mösl about the media prize
  In fact, my speech should have been only 7 minutes. My wife told me, I was with 25 minutes a little bit to long. But it was for me still much to less,

Introduction of Roland Mösl as prizewinnter
  In a booklet are from all 10 categories the 10 categories the prizewinners and their work introduced. Here category 6 - media, where I won 2008 in Laakirchen.

Certificate media prize for solar energy
  Austrian solar prize 2008. Eurosolar Austria awards the Austrian solar price category media to Roland Mösl, Gartenau near Salzburg, platform

Trophy for the media prize Eurosolar 2008
  A turnable glas globe is the main design element of the Eurosolar trophy 2008. Here the trophy from prizewinner Roland Mösl for PEGE online magazines.

Poster to print Yourself
  Official poster of PEGE for the EUROSOLAR Austria awarding prizes in Laakirchen October 4th 2008. The Poster shows in 6 photos the main projects of PEGE.

  Newsletter Archiv

  2008-10-19     2008-10-12     2008-09-28     2008-09-21     2008-08-03     2008-07-27  
  2008-07-20     2008-07-13     2008-07-06     2008-06-29     2008-06-22     2008-06-15  
  2008-06-01     2008-05-25     2008-05-09  

  In the next issues

  • More from the Intersolar 2008, special photovoltaic and heat combined in one modul
  • The house project modifed because of new thin film photovoltaic prices.
  • Plug-in hybrid vs electric car

Cars, traveling and traffic Advance to solar age Notebooks Laptops Lifestyle PEGE - Planetary Engieneering Group Earth Energy, construction and live Politics - tax reform pro human PEGE organization and Roland Mösl

Roland Mösl - PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth

Drachenlochstraße 1c/5
A-5083 Gartenau

+43 699 17343674
Skype: roland.mosl
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PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, striving to lead humanity into the solar age. A civilization has tasks that can be clearly recognized with the game theory of mathematics.

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Please enhance PEGE's ability to lead humanity into solar age with your support.

Archive of the PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, a goal, but increasingly better ways to be able to implement this goal. The technology is getting better, the production of required technology is increasing.

  2008 top reports directory

Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 car and traffic directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 building and live directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 politics directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 notebooks laptops directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 Roland Mösl directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 Videos directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 newsletter directory
Newsletter of PEGE in the year 2008

Oil crisis: Chrysler gasoline price guarantee
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-05-09.

Our civilization isbuilt on oil, far worse than to built on sand
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-05-25.

Electric cars instead of coal power plants! A total contradiction?
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-01.

Photovoltaic is already far cheaper than gasoline
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-15.

Intersolar 2008: sensational large thin film moduls
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-22.

Conference for more oil production on the niveau from Comical Ali.
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-29.

Peak oil and the climate disaster would have been avoidably
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-06.

IEA: how to save oil in the case of a quick rising oil price
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-13.

Fossil energy means recession
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-20.

Test electric scooters E-Max 110S vs IO-Scooter Lithium
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-27.

Future vision: a town without combustion
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-08-03.

Without efficient electric storage is solar not base laod capable
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-09-21.

First B111 driving license done on an electric scooter
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-09-28.

Electric scooter for long distance commuters
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-10-12.

This pseudo growth is as usefull as cancer
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-11-02.

Recession decreased much the crude oil demand
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-11-30.

Google friend connect
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-07.

2008: The begin of the end of the oil age
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-21.

New years speech of PEGE for 2009
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-28.

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          EUROSOLAR Austria awards PEGE: { if ( $folder == 0 ) { return "" } my $html; if ( $file eq 'newsletter' ) { $html = "Newsletter of PEGE in the year $folder"; return $html; } if ( substr ( $file, 0, 4 ) >

Context description:  event events date time month 10 Oct October autumn fall 2008-10-19