Electric scooter for long distance commuters

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-10-12.

It's a new dimension of inexpensive electric mobility. My 45km/h electric scooter E-Max S is good for the town and near the town. For a commuter with long distances on country roads simple to slow.

For less than 4000.-EUR can here even the long distance commuter up to 50km to the workplace loose all sorrows about the next oil price shock.

This would be 250 travels to the work 25.000 km a year with only 1055 kWh electric power. 6m² best monocrystalline photovoltaic or 12m² thin film photovoltaic can produce the electric power (middle Europe)

  Cars traffic mobility

Solar Scooter Sport Test
  In the 45km/h limited class, electric scooters are state of art, now the first test with an electric scooter with L3E registration, this means the 125 ccm class up to 11 kW engine power.

2008 scooter test 125ccm class 11kW
  Until now, there had been in the 125ccm class only the Vectrix. With the Solar Scooter Sport, the electric entrance in the 125ccm class is with 3790.-EUR possible.

2008 scooter test 125 ccm class 11 kW
  There are even gasoline scooters in the 125ccm class more expensive than the Solar Scooter Sport. Test about the cheapest electric entrance in the 125ccm class.

Test scooter for commuters
  Terrible fast increased in the first half year 2008 the oil price. This can happen again, this will happen again. Test of an electric scooter for commuters up to 50km away from work.

Scooter test for a commuter
  Even when solar electric power makes 40 Cent / kWh own costs, with 4,22 kWh/100km, even one single litre gasoline could be soon more expensive, than electricity for 100km for our test vehicle.

Bad Hofgastein: pick up the test vehicle
  Friday late afternoon. It's raining and it even snows in the Gastein valley. No leisure time motorcycle driver underway at this weather. But it should not be tested for fun.

First test drive Bad Hofgastein to Gartenau
  Very hardly, it was possible to drive this distance without charging. To save energy, I drove with tacho 60 later even with tacho 50. Astonishing the odometer shows 103,5 km

  Where to put the purchase? After I published at my E-Max S a manual how to laod even extensive purchases, at the Scooter Sport is in front

Hellbrunn to test slow driving
  2 bicyles without air, no pump to find. So one child drives with me on the electric scooter, the other on the bicycle. Opportunity to test the consumption at 10 to 20 km/h.

  What a difference compared to the first montain test on the E-Max S. 2006 was the E-Max S the top model from China. Today is the Solar Scooter Sport one of them.

Electric on the mountain
  From the Zistelalm in 4 minutes 38 secondes to the top. 50km/h tacho are about 40km/h real. The engine 22 degree Celsius, but the controller has heated up to 42 degree.

Panorama from the Gaisberg in late dusk
  Enjoy nature without bad conscience, without ignoring the climate change. For decades had been the escape, electric mobility and electricity from sun and wind being ignored.

Abersee as commuter test
  Tacho 90, when a little bit downhill Tacho 100, maybe real 70 to 80 on the country street to Abersee, during a long conference, recharge for the journey back.

Long distance commuter
  Maybe we are at the oil price in the eye of the hurricane. Do not fear, with this new electric scooter, the workplace can be reached fast and extreme cheap.

SAMTC director Lobensommer
  Already summer 1994, I talked with director Lobensommer about my dream with electric mobility and solar electric power. I asked at this time even to built the GEMINI house on the flat roof

Recharge befor Bischofshofen
  Bad Hofgastein is about 400m higher than Salzburg. In addition, I plan to go fast. So a recharge pause with supper is planned at the Fischerwirt.

The goodbye is difficult
  There are some points for critic at the Solar Scooter Sport, anyway, I would liked to have it immedeately for my next long time test, the goodbye is difficult.,

Consumption scooter 125ccm 11 kW class
  Surprisingly economical for the performance is the Solar Scooter Sport at our test. Here a list of travels and the consumption at recharging.

Seat Solar Scooter Sport
  With nearly 80cm length of the seat and 185 kg pay load nor only a real 2 seater, even people with a little bit overweight have a real sufficient place.

Helmet locker only for the charger
  There is no place for a helmet, only for the charger. There would be so much place down to the batteries. Presumably, it's the same helmet locker like for the gasoline version.

Gas handle extreme rough
  The gas handle reacts extreme rough. As an emergency solution for this problem, the producer has placed a switch beside the handle.

Wheel hub engine for 13 inch rims
  Still 2007, I thought a thermical engine shut off is an absolute must. Only 10 degree Celsius at the travel to top of the Gaisberg had been a very positive surprise.

Instruments Solar Scooter Sport
  The fuel gauge is inadequate. When the vehicle is parked with batteries in the red area, 5 minutes later, it shows 80% full. 809m are 1km.

Type shield with productuin date
  Arngren Sky Commuter AS - 2008-07-20 is written on the type shield. With the travel time of a container ship, my test vehicle could be only 2 weeks in Europe.

Flap to the battery department
  A lockable flap opens the access to the batteries room. Eventualy is this flap a relict from a gasoline scooter with the same coachwork.

Thundersky lithium iron phospaht
  At the open flap are the single 40 Ah LiFePO4 cells to see. Not existing: wires for a BMS (battery management system) or seperate charge of each cell.

Battery room in electric scooter
  I put my camera into the flap. Viewing to the rear, my camera sees each time 4 battery cells side by side and 5 rows one after the other. 20 pieces 40Ah cells.

Charger from Thunder Sky
  750 Watt charging power give together with the low test consumption of 4,22 kWh/100km a load speed of 17,7 km/h. Only 2 Watt Stand by consumption are noted also very positive.

Solar Scooter Sport dipped headlight
  The photo confirms what was clear at driving in the night: At the dipped headlight is the Solar Scooter Sport far better than the E-Max S.

High beam at Solar Scooter Sport
  While at the E-Max S, the garage was big enough to test high beam, for the much better high beam of teh Solar Scooter Sport, a much bigger testing area would be appropriate.

  Construction live energy

Hydrogen fails at day/night balance
  Hydrogen fails at the efficiency of the whole cycle from the electrolysis to the fuel cell at the day/night balance for solar electric power. Example with a sea water desalination system.

  Politics economy

2008: Use the crisis for a change
  It's a time of change. Now are political leaders demandes to make out of the crisis the long time best for the people and the environment.

Bank crisis
  The production facilities are all intact, only the finance system is groggy. This is a big chance for the politic to do with the production something reasonable.

  Notebook laptop lifestyle office organization

Mobile internet soon possible in the EU
  EU-Kommissarin Viviane Reding demands from the cellphone providers lower prices for data transfers not in the own country.

  PEGE Organisation, Roland's Magazine

Consulting: the investor is lost
  The difference between the pretended world of investment consulters and what happens in the real world. Explained with BYD as example.

  Newsletter Archiv

  2008-10-12     2008-09-28     2008-09-21     2008-08-03     2008-07-27     2008-07-20     2008-07-13     2008-07-06     2008-06-29     2008-06-22     2008-06-15     2008-06-01     2008-05-25     2008-05-09  

  In the next issues

  • More from the Intersolar 2008, special photovoltaic and heat combined in one modul
  • The house project modifed because off new thin film photovoltaic prices.
  • Plug-in hybrid vs electric car

Cars, traveling and traffic Advance to solar age Notebooks Laptops Lifestyle PEGE - Planetary Engieneering Group Earth Energy, construction and live Politics - tax reform pro human PEGE organization and Roland Mösl

Roland Mösl - PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth

Drachenlochstraße 1c/5
A-5083 Gartenau

+43 699 17343674

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Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 newsletter directory
Newsletter of PEGE in the year 2008

Oil crisis: Chrysler gasoline price guarantee
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-05-09.

Our civilization isbuilt on oil, far worse than to built on sand
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-05-25.

Electric cars instead of coal power plants! A total contradiction?
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-01.

Photovoltaic is already far cheaper than gasoline
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-15.

Intersolar 2008: sensational large thin film moduls
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-22.

Conference for more oil production on the niveau from Comical Ali.
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-29.

Peak oil and the climate disaster would have been avoidably
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-06.

IEA: how to save oil in the case of a quick rising oil price
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-13.

Fossil energy means recession
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-20.

Test electric scooters E-Max 110S vs IO-Scooter Lithium
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-27.

Future vision: a town without combustion
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-08-03.

Without efficient electric storage is solar not base laod capable
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-09-21.

First B111 driving license done on an electric scooter
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-09-28.

EUROSOLAR Austria awards PEGE
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-10-19.

This pseudo growth is as usefull as cancer
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-11-02.

Recession decreased much the crude oil demand
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-11-30.

Google friend connect
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-07.

2008: The begin of the end of the oil age
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-21.

New years speech of PEGE for 2009
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-28.

          Electric scooter for long distance commuters: { if ( $folder == 0 ) { return "" } my $html; if ( $file eq 'newsletter' ) { $html = "Newsletter of PEGE in the year $folder"; return $html; } if ( substr ( $ https://www.pege.org/2008/2008-10-12_e.htm

Context description:  event events date time month 10 Oct October autumn fall 2008-10-12