Peak oil and the climate disaster would have been avoidably

Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-06.

"Fool me once, shame on You, fool me twice, shame on me". We speak just right now from the 3rd oil crisis. How often will the victims believe all oil fairy tales?

The newest con of the oil lobby, it's only the speculation, it will be all cheap again. Okay, did we have a computer RAM speculation? Computer RAM suddenly 3 times more expensive? Unimaginably? That's right, for this we should use the energy from the same material as RAM, photovoltaic made of silicon..

There is no reason to suppose, that science 1973 with the money and determination of the Manhattan project would not have developt until 1983 the battery technology for electric mobility and the photovotaic technology like we have today. Peak oil and the climate disaster with all economic consequences would have been avoidably.

It's time critical! For the change to renewable energy, we need a fully operationyl economy. We have to act before exploding oil prices lame the economy. Please disseminate our message, by more newsletter subscriptions, by links to our pages.

  Cars traffic mobility

Renault Kangoo Plug-in-Hybrid car
  The Dassault Group frees Renault from all sorrows regarding the CO2 limit. With electric power from renewable energy and Ethanol for all travels beyond the electric only range.

Hybrid engine for Renault Kangoo
  Complete drive system for an electric dominated hybrid car. It mixes serial and parallel hybrid together to an high efficient new hybrid system.

Hybrid drive for Renault Kangoo
  The teamwork regulated by 2 clutches between a 40kW Ethanol/Benzin combustion engine, a 20 kW engine/generator and a 60 kW electric engine

Opel Flextreme Plug-in-Hybrid
  55 km is the range of the Flextreme only with electric power. On longer distances produces a 1,3 litre Diesel engine with a 53 kW peak generator for the supply with electric power.

When the sun rises in the east, the stars dim
  Driving with fossile cars becomes more and more a burden. High oil prices and the environment conscience encumber much. But 'Built Your Dreams' from China shows a solution.

Battery im BYD F3 DM
  At the BYD booth was also this lithium iron phosphat cell with 3.3 Volt 120 Ah. The car is listed with 100 pieces 60 Ah cells.

Plugs for home and quick charge
  Left the plug for the 230 volt connection, right a connection for a quick charger to load in 10 minutes 50% charge into the 20 kWh battery. This means about 60 kW charge power.

  Construction live energy

Energy for the future
  Who has energy can solve problems. Examples over methods and magnitudes for the future energy supply of mankind.

Replace crude oil by electric power
  The amount of electric power to replace an unit of fossile energy can, depending on application, be complete different.

Replace crude oil by photovoltaic
  From all methods to produce energy is only with photovoltaic the magnitude reachable necessary to solve the problems of humanity.

Scenarios of energy development
  Description for the 4 different szenarios of photovoltaik world market development. Explanation for the increasing amount of electric power to replace 1 litre of crude oil.

Photovoltaic 30% yearly increase
  Against the prognosis of the Energy Watch Groip, reduction of the crude oil production to 39 million barrels a day in 2030, is a 30% increase of the photovoltaic world market not enough.

Photovoltaic world production 50% yearly plus
  This szenario shows until 2020 a 50% yearly increase of production and later of 20% per year. To avoid an oil crisis would be a more fast increase better.

War economy: extreme increase of photovoltaic world production
  From 2010 to 2014 radical increase of the photovoltaic world production with 200% per year until 1000 GW yearly production is reached, further extension with 10% per year.

Difference 2018
  The prognosis for the crude oil production in 2018 is 63 million barrel per day. How much we pay for this, how hard we are hit by a recession, decides the politic today.

  Politics economy

ECB prime rate increase counterproductively
  The inflation is caused nearly only by the high oil price. The escape from oil needs investitions in new technology, aggravated by the higher prime rate.

Financing the oil exit
  In the agriculture are subventions for no production usual to stop price decay by over producion. Exactly the opposit is necessary is for the to small offer of the oil market.

Shipping without crude oil
  Just right now, shipping uses 7,29 Million barrel a day. Depending on size and required range, 0 oil consumption will be achieved by hydrogen, methanol or lithium batteries.

  PEGE Organisation, Roland's Magazine

What comes faster? $150 oil price or my 50th birthday
  Today we have July 3rd 2008. July 9th is my birthday. Will the oil price jump before over $150? Will it be possible to wake up the politicans.

  Newsletter Archiv

  2008-06-29     2008-06-22     2008-06-15     2008-06-01     2008-05-25     2008-05-09  

  In the next issues

  • A company building from 1984 where solar thermic and heat pump is combined
  • Big report from the Intersolar 2008, special photovoltaic and heat combined in one modul
  • The house project modifed because off new thin film photovoltaic prices.

Cars, traveling and traffic Advance to solar age Notebooks Laptops Lifestyle PEGE - Planetary Engieneering Group Earth Energy, construction and live Politics - tax reform pro human PEGE organization and Roland Mösl

Roland Mösl - PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth

Drachenlochstraße 1c/5
A-5083 Gartenau

+43 699 17343674

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PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, striving to lead humanity into the solar age. A civilization has tasks that can be clearly recognized with the game theory of mathematics.

Support for a better future
Please enhance PEGE's ability to lead humanity into solar age with your support.

Archive of the PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, a goal, but increasingly better ways to be able to implement this goal. The technology is getting better, the production of required technology is increasing.

  2008 top reports directory

Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 car and traffic directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 building and live directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 politics directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 notebooks laptops directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 Roland Mösl directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 Videos directory
Table of contents for the year 2008. Overview about PEGE in the year 2008.

2008 newsletter directory
Newsletter of PEGE in the year 2008

Oil crisis: Chrysler gasoline price guarantee
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-05-09.

Our civilization isbuilt on oil, far worse than to built on sand
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-05-25.

Electric cars instead of coal power plants! A total contradiction?
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-01.

Photovoltaic is already far cheaper than gasoline
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-15.

Intersolar 2008: sensational large thin film moduls
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-22.

Conference for more oil production on the niveau from Comical Ali.
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-06-29.

IEA: how to save oil in the case of a quick rising oil price
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-13.

Fossil energy means recession
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-20.

Test electric scooters E-Max 110S vs IO-Scooter Lithium
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-07-27.

Future vision: a town without combustion
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-08-03.

Without efficient electric storage is solar not base laod capable
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-09-21.

First B111 driving license done on an electric scooter
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-09-28.

Electric scooter for long distance commuters
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-10-12.

EUROSOLAR Austria awards PEGE
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-10-19.

This pseudo growth is as usefull as cancer
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-11-02.

Recession decreased much the crude oil demand
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-11-30.

Google friend connect
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-07.

2008: The begin of the end of the oil age
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-21.

New years speech of PEGE for 2009
Newsletter from PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth from 2008-12-28.

          Peak oil and the climate disaster would have been avoidably: { if ( $folder == 0 ) { return "" } my $html; if ( $file eq 'newsletter' ) { $html = "Newsletter of PEGE in the year $folder"; return $html; }

Context description:  event events date time month 7 Jul July summer 2008-07-06